Advocacy Services

  • Record Review

    A comprehensive review of documents and school records. This will provide additional information regarding your child’s current status, review for accuracy (and compliance) and be the foundation for working with an advocate and developing strategies.

  • Team Meeting Participation

    An experience advocate participates in team meetings, including IEP, 504, and other Student Support Meetings. Pre and Post meetings are provided to ensure that families feel prepared, empowered, and a full participant of the team.

  • Empowerment/Coaching

    EmpowerSPED offers coaching and conversations to anyone who needs non-attorney advice, strategy and brainstorming, preparation for upcoming meetings, written communication support, and educational training/workshops.

a special education advocate can empower parents and students with disabilities, repair the relationship between the school team and the family, and effectively enforce idea rights
— council of parents advocates and Attorneys, COPAA